Monday, May 11, 2009

Does anyone have any homemade decoration ideas for a mexican birthday party for a 9 year old that we can make?

I want to make my own mexican birthday party decorations for my daughter's 9th birthday party. Maybe flowers, pinatas, etc.

Does anyone have any homemade decoration ideas for a mexican birthday party for a 9 year old that we can make?
Here is a site for the tissue flowers associated with Fiesta decorations they can also be made with holiday wrapping paper for sparkle:

The Pinata is easy to make with paper mache and a balloon then make the last 2 layers with crepe paper for color you can also use water balloons to make smaller versions of these entirely of crepe paper and place them over patio lights as festive lanterns(safe as long as the bulb is not touching the sides use a bit of wire to create a secure u shaped brace. Use lots of crepe paper streamers and cover the table with bold colored table runners. If you are especially crafty use the Crepe squares to make a fiesta garland, cut silhouettes out of the crepe squares and string across a clothes line or string - you could even cut out Feliz CumpleaƱos (Happy Birthday) and don't forget to have small streamers strewn on the table and lots of balloons. Have Fun!
Reply:Buy colored tissue paper and green chenille stems from the Dollar Store or other discount store and make BIG colorful flowers: cut squares, pinch them in the middle, gather a bunch of them and wrap the chenille stem around the pinched ends.
Reply:You could make paper chains in the colors of the Mexican flag. My niece's fiesta party had colored Christmas lights strung up and it looked very festive! We did the pinata %26amp; had a Mexican hat dance contest. The kids had a blast making up a dance to include the sombrero.
Reply:how about tiny sombreros?

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