Friday, November 13, 2009

I want to send flowers on my daughter's birthday, but I'm not in UK at the moment.?

Is it safe to give my debit card details from an internet cafe as long as I sign out/log out properly?

I want to send flowers on my daughter's birthday, but I'm not in UK at the moment.?
to be honest i wouldnt reccomend it, usually those computers are full of viruses and spyware, what people dont mention is that it may be a secure web site but that dosent stop a keylogger from sending your credit card details.
Reply:as long as the place your giving it to is a trusty place, then there should be no problemo
Reply:Have you looked into

I'm not sure if they deliver overseas but I think it would be worth looking into.
Reply:If the site starts with https, then it is a secure server.

If you are not comfortable with that, pick something out, and have someone local order it and pay them when you return.

Hope that helps.

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